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Plural: Jinans
Jinan front.png
Physical Structure
Average HeightMale: 172 cm
Female: 177 cm
Average WeightMale: 104 kg
Female: 113 kg
Home WorldJitarai
Primary LanguagesJinanuar
Main Political EntitySingular State of Companion

The Jinans (Jee-nins) are a species of intelligent humanoid reptiles from the planet Jitarai. They are most known for their innovation in the field of robotics, at the time of first contact, they were over one hundred years ahead of Humanity. The Jinan people are dovish, but once angered, prove themselves to be fierce warriors with a strong camaraderie. Having been the ones to expose Humanity to the galactic scale, they are considered core members of the Concordant Worlds Society.


Jitarai has one governing body, a century year old artificial intelligence known as Companion. Companion was developed by the Old Jinar ("Great Ones") to lead their people to greatness, which it has mostly succeeded in. Despite the success of the Companion project, some of the Jinan people have a distrust in their artificial leader. Many seek to leave the planet as soon as they acquire means, be it out of fear or disgust that their people are controlled by a machine. The way the government operates is not fully known, with some outsiders theorizing there is a Jinan council that maintains Companion.

The Jinan people created and popularized the Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC), a fully autonomous robot capable of performing the same tasks as a normal person. Their primary export is robotics equipment, industrial equipment, and positronic brains. Many companies from Earth have created their own versions of IPCs, and sell them on the market with middling success. The physical characteristics of Jinans are not very far removed from Earth's Sauria monophyletic group. Their body is comprised of flesh, bone, and muscle, encased in a layer of scales.



They possess long tails and hard claws on their fingers and toes, with four fingers per hand, and 3 toes per foot. There are multiple phenotypes present, notably a phenotype with aquatic adaptations, such as frills and webbed fingers or toes. Jinans were the first species to be discovered by Humanity, with their probe having crash landed onto Mercury in 1953, sparking the Space Race. Eventually, contact was made by the United States, and a positive relationship quickly developed between the two peoples.