Asteroid Magnet

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The Asteroid Magnet is a state-of-the-art magnetic field generator using newly discovered superconducting materials capable of attracting massive objects from space.

How The Fuck Does It Work

Using the console, you can adjust "ping" locations on a 2-dimensional Cartesian plane. After pinging a location, you will be given the azimuth of the nearest asteroid. This is the angle between the north axis of the pinged location, and the pinged location.

In this example, we ping the location (2, 2), and are given an azimuth of 45°.
We want to try to get a multiple of 90 as our azimuth. This will eliminate one of the axes, which will trivialize pinpointing the asteroid. Above we've increased our X to 5, but kept our Y to 2. And look at that, 0° azimuth! We've eliminated our X axis entirely. We now know the asteroid is (X = 5, Y > 2).
Bingo! After increasing our Y value to 5, we have located the asteroid! All we need to do now is to click the asteroid in the list, and click SUMMON.
Visualization, ping 1 (2, 2).
Visualization, ping 2 (5, 2)

Supplementary Content

This is why we don't use a 3D map and instead use a 2D plane.