Guide to Surgery

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Guide to Surgery

On Daedalus Dock, surgeries are not split into a set of special steps for each operation, and instead only require a body part to be opened. There is no way to "start" a surgery. Simply lie your patient down on a (surgical) table and apply your cutting implement of choice.

Tools of the Trade

These are the tools you will need to perform surgery. Some alternative items can be used as makeshift surgical tools, but this is NOT recommended if you want your patient to live.

  • TODO: add ghetto surgical tools
Tool Surgical Use Alternatives
Scalpel.png Scalpel Used to create an incision. Usually your first step. Can be substituted with other cutting implements. Most cutting implements
Hemostat.png Hemostat A clamp to stop bleeding. Also used to extract organs and foreign bodies.
Retractor.png Retractor This tool can hold an incision open.
Saw.png Circular Saw Normally used to cut through bone. Can saw limbs clean off if you're desperate.
Bonesetter.png Bonesetter Precise forceps for putting broken bones back together.
Bonegel.png Bone Gel Adhesive gel for bone repair. This is usually applied after using the bonesetter to piece the damaged bone together.
Fixovein.png Vascular Recoupler An advanced tool for mending damaged veins and other tissue. Also known by it's brand name "Fix-O-Vein."
Cautery.png Cautery Used to cauterize wounds by carefully heating the skin. Remember to use this at the end of the surgery, or your patient might walk out with a gaping wound!
Brutepack.png Bruise Pack A common brute pack can be used to treat damage on exposed organs.

Preparing for Surgery

  • Scan your patient in a body scanner (the green pod) to get a detailed report of any injuries they have. Use the button on the UI to send this report to a surgical display screen.
  • Place your patient on an operating table. In a pinch, roller beds or other tables work too.
  • Make sure your patient is stable. Some surgical steps will cause damage to them.
  • Note that surgical incisions are no different from wounds; healing chemicals such as bicaridine or using bruise packs can close them mid-operation.
  • Remove any clothes blocking your target body part, and ensure your patient is under anesthetic (if they're still alive)
  • Ensure your equipment is sterile before beginning the operation.

Surgical Steps

Most operations will require an open incision. Start with Creating an Incision unless a gaping wound has been graciously opened for you already. Because they count as wounds, open incisions will be closed if your patient is being healed mid-operation. Remember to aim for the correct body part!
Surgery steps are also listed in the Codex in-game for quick reference.

Creating an Incision

The start to any surgery.

  • Use the Scalpel.png scalpel to cut open an incision.
  • Use the Hemostat.png hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  • Use your Retractor.png retractors to hold the wound open.

If you want to reach the organs in the Head or Chest, you will also need to cut away the bone:

  • Use the Saw.png Circular Saw to cut through the bone.

When you are done operating, you will need to close the wound. If you cut through the bone, first:

  • Use the Bonesetter.png Bonesetter to piece together broken bones.
  • Use the Bonegel.png Bone Gel to repair the bone.

To close the incision:

  • Use the Cautery.png Cautery to seal the wound.

Bone Repair

For fractures and the like.

Open an incision (Scalpel.pngHemostat.pngRetractor.png) on the target body part. You do not need to cut through the bone.

  • Use the Bonesetter.png Bonesetter to piece together any broken bones.
  • Use the Bonegel.png Bone Gel to repair the bone.

Close the incision. (Cautery.png)

Organ Manipulation

Sticking them in, taking them out, and repairing said organs.

Open an incision (Scalpel.pngHemostat.pngRetractor.png) on the target body part. If you are aiming for the Chest or Head you will need to cut through the bone (Saw.png) first.
To repair an organ:

  • Use a Bruise PackBrutepack.png on the open wound to patch up any organ damage.

To remove an organ from the body:

  • Use the Scalpel.png scalpel to detach the organ.
  • Use the Hemostat.png hemostat to carefully remove the loose organ.

To transplant an organ into the body:

  • Use the organ to place it into the body.
  • Use the Fixovein.png Vascular Recoupler to attach the organ.

Repair Tendon/Artery

This is how you fix internal bleeding and cut tendons.

Open an incision (Scalpel.pngHemostat.pngRetractor.png) on the target body part. You do not need to cut through the bone.

  • Use the Fixovein.png Vascular Recoupler to fix any arterial bleeding or damaged tendons.

Close the incision. (Cautery.png)