The Body and You

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The body's purpose is to provide the brain with oxygen through blood flow and air intake. If the brain runs low on oxygen, it will begin taking damage. If the brain runs out of oxygen, you will pass out. Your brain is located in your noggin' most of the time. Protect it at all costs.

In short:

  • The brain needs oxygen to function.
  • The lungs breathe in oxygen from the air.
  • Blood carries oxygen from the lungs.
  • The heart pumps fresh blood to the brain, providing it with oxygen.

Other organs may serve smaller purposes in keeping the body healthy, such as the liver's ability to filter out ethanol, but the only organs required for life are the brain, heart, and lungs.

Pain and Traumatic Shock


As a body accrues Wounds, those wounds will apply pain relative to how much damage the wound. Pain itself has minimal effects, inhibiting movement, and sometimes causing items to be dropped. However, if the body accrues too much pain at once, it will shutdown, rendering it unconscious until the pain decays to an acceptable level.

The amount of pain required is calculated based on brain health and Blood Oxygenation. Brain health is factored at up to 80% importance, and blood oxygenation is factored at up to 40% importance. Note: Brain health is 200, not 100.

Brain Health Factor = 1 + ((200 - Brain Damage) / 200 - 1) × 0.8
Blood Oxygenation Factor = 1 + (Blood Oxygenation% / 100 - 1) x 0.4
Pass Out Threshold = IF (200 x Brain Health Factor x Blood Circulation Factor) < 200 THEN (200 x Brain Health Factor x Blood Circulation Factor) ELSE 200

Traumatic Shock

Shock is a long-lasting consequence of enduring pain for an extended period of time. If a body has enough pain, it will begin to get stacks of traumatic shock. The effects of traumatic shock are split into 7 tiers, each adding another effect on top of the previous tiers. Shock will decay as long as pain values in the body remain low, eventually disappearing entirely.

Shock Tiers
Tier Effects
1 A message indicating the effects of shock have begun.
2 Eyes will begin to blur, and stutters will appear in the affected person's speech.
3 Speech stuttering becomes more common.
4 The affected person will begin to stumble over themself randomly.
5 Stumbling becomes more common.
6 The affected person will randomly black out for short periods of time. In addition, Arrhythmia can now occur as a result of shock.
7 The affected person will be rendered unconscious until they die or recover from shock.

The Heart

The heart is a vital organ located in the torso of most species. The heart's purpose is to oxygenate and circulate blood throughout the body.

Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is a statistic based on the pulse of the heart, the heart's health condition, and the amount of blood in the body. If the body's blood volume is sub-optimal, the heart's pulse will raise in an attempt to continue supplying the required oxygen.

Blood Volume% = IF (Blood Volume / Max Blood Volume) < 1 THEN (Blood Volume / Max Blood Volume) ELSE 1
Heart Health Factor = IF (1 - (Heart Damage / Heart Health)) > 0.3 THEN (1 - (Heart Damage / Heart Health)) ELSE 0.3
Blood Circulation = IF (Blood Volume% x Heart Pulse Factor x Heart Health Factor) < 100 THEN (Blood Volume% x Heart Pulse Factor x Heart Health Factor) ELSE 100

Blood Oxygenation

Blood oxygenation is a statistic based on Blood Circulation and Oxygen Deprivation. Blood oxygenation is reduced by oxygen deprivation, and increased by blood circulation. Blood oxygenation can be temporarily raised by the effects of Dexalin.

Oxygen Deprivation Factor = IF 1 - (Oxygen Deprivation / Max Health) > 0 THEN 1 - (Oxygen Deprivation / Max Health) ELSE 0
Oxygen Deprivation After Dexalin = Oxygen Deprivation Factor x Dexalin Factor - (Oxygen Deprivation Factor - Dexalin Factor)
Blood Oxygenation = Blood Circulation x Oxygen Deprivation After Dexalin
Blood Oxygenation During Cardiac Arrest = IF Blood Circulation < 30 THEN Blood Circulation ELSE 30


Arrhythmia occurs when Blood Oxygenation is low enough to raise the heart's pulse above safe levels. Additionally, it can be caused by Traumatic Shock. While a body is suffering from arrhythmia, they can go into Cardiac Arrest at any point. To cure arrhythmia, ensure the body has a healthy supply of blood, and is not suffering excessive Oxygen Deprivation. You can use chemicals such as Saline-Glucose, or in a dire situation, Iron to regenerate the body's blood supply.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is the state in which the heart is no longer pumping, and thus is supplying no blood to the rest of the body. A heart will not naturally exit cardiac arrest, and requires the use of a Defibrillator or Epinephrine. During cardiac arrest, the body will be unable to breathe on it's own.

The Lungs

The lungs are a large organ located inside the torso that provides oxygen to the heart. Due to the size of lungs, they are prone to damage when physical trauma is applied to the body.

Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation is primarily caused by an inability to breathe, or in rare cases, poison. Successfully breathing, assisted or otherwise, will reduce the amount of deprivation. Oxygen deprivation can be treated with Dexalin, or by performing Chest Compressions in a breathable atmosphere.

The Liver

The liver is non-vital organ located in the torso that filters alcohol and regenerates blood volume.

Blood Regeneration

The liver will convert Nutrition into blood for the body to use. This process is slow, serving only to regenerate blood lost from small cuts or blood donations.

Alcohol Filtering

Without a functioning liver, alcohol causes damage to the body. The more damaged a liver is, the less effective it's filtering capabilities are.