Chain of Command

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Onboard Daedalus Industries support stations, it is frequent for the Company to provide a standard 'chain of command' document alongside relevant employee information when hiring contractors or sub-contracting departmental duties. This serves as the frame of reference for staff aboard the station to follow, aswell as showing who answers to who within what departments. It also denotes the responsibilities of the various department heads that inevitably answer to the Captain, and ultimately Sector Command. Alongside this, is the supercedure chain, for when an active Captain is not present to assume the responsibilities of adminstering over the station, and thus an acting captain must be elected amongst present heads, either autonomously or by collective vote.

[insert graphic here]

Departmental Heads

Leading the stations various departments or administering over the station itself, are the Departmental Heads. They are responsible for administering over the day to day activities of Daedalus Industries Dock 13 (DID13), and are likely to be the local subject expert of their respective department to advise other members of said department. Each Departmental Head is in possession of access to the Bridge and Brig, the Keycard Authenticator, station wide announcements, access to their respective departmental ID console, and may request a shift transfer/emergency shuttle or recall one at their discretion. They are also the only members of the station capable of directly speaking to Sector Command, the main authority of the station and its interests. All members of the Command Staff are employees of Daedalus Industries directly, and are there at the end of the day to protect the interests of the Company, whilst their respective employees may be contractors/employees of any number of corporations across the galaxy. They may hire/fire staff into their respective department at will, given applicable reason to do so.

The Captain

The duties of the Captain range alot farther than most other Departmental Heads. Whilst each head is responsible for their own department, the captain is as a result, responsible for each head. They have access to pretty much everywhere on the station, and are the general authority of the station, aswell as the tiebreaker when disputes break out amongst the staff. The captain generally serves as the local magistrate of the station in any court cases, and is also the only person onboard with execution authority for prisoners that have committed a capital crime. It is the Captain's duty to carry the Nuclear Authentication Disk, and maintain overall situation stability on the station.

Primarily, the Captain's job is first and foremost to provide guidance to the operations of the station through the Departmental Heads. They should secure the disk, provide the pinpointer to a trusted member of Command, secure vital equipment, and most importantly delegate. See the Captain's guide page for more information.

Knowledge Suggestions: A very apt knowledge of Space Law, the Chain of Command, who should best have Key Items, and general working knowledge of all departments. How to defend yourself helps too.

The Head of Security

The Head of Security (often refered to as the HoS for sake of brevity) are the defacto representative of Mars Security and other defense contractors onboard the station. They oversee the stations security staff, respond to threats, and keep peace on the station. They are subordinated by the Warden primarily, whos duty is to operate the brig and sentence prisoners in the absence of the HoS. In the advent that the Captain cannot provide unbiased judgement over a court case, the HoS is the next in line to magistrate over it. Their duty is to oversee that the security force responds to threats to the station, and take care of bigger threats when needed. Whilst they have access to all departments by default, departmental heads may deny them entry to their respective departmental regions if they do not have a reason to be there. they act as the Captains right hand man when the situation goes pear shaped.

Primarily, the Head of Security's job is to defend the station from third parties that wish to harm it, act as the secondary carrier of the NAD, and report the status of the station threats to the Captain, aswell as ensure that the Warden and Security Officers are not mistreating prisoners/criminals. Upholding Space Law is their primary focus, and ensuring that the officers under them do so aswell.

Knowledge Suggestions: Complete knowledge of Space Law, how to best prioritize and deal with threats to the station, and how to wrangle cats.

The Head of Personnel

The Head of Personnel (often also refered to as the HoP for sake of brevity) are the defacto representative of Priapus Recreational Services and are responsible for managing primarily ID and positional changes among station employees. Additionally, the HoP is responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Service Department. Members of staff such as the Cook, Clown, Mime, Bartender, Lawyers, Chaplain, Curator, Janitor, Botanists, and even Assistants answer to them. Ensure the station has food growing, drinks being served, and the Chaplain isn't sacrificing the crew. The HoP serves as the tertiary Magistrate option in the event that both the Captain and HoS are either unavailable or otherwise unable to priovide a unbiased representation of the court trial. Following after them are any of the other heads as a last resort.

Primarily, the Head of Personnels job can be summed up as running Service, managing station access at the behest of other heads, doing paperwork, and demoting unruly members of the crew. You are of equal power to all other heads, barring the captain. You are also responsible for administering over the Quartermaster.

Knowledge Suggestions: Working knowledge of Space Law, knowledge on how to change ID's and jobs, manage service, and keep the clown and mime from killing eachother.

The Chief Engineer

The Chief Engineer (often refered to as the CE for sake of brevity) are the defacto co-representative of Daedalus Industries and are responsible for ensuring the station has the necessities of life, power, air, and a wifi connection. They have universal authority over matters that constitute discussion of the stations integrity, and are the first to be yelled at when its comprimised. Dispatch engineers, atmospheric technicians, and ensure that the station isn't an airless, cold husk. They have complete responsibility for the stations Gravity Generator, Telecoms, and the all important Supermatter. They have the only available roundstart RCD that isn't under lock and key, and a toolbelt of highly advanced tools.

Primarily, the CE's job is to ensure that the station doesn't fall apart, lose gravity, power, air, or communications. Dispatch and delegate tasks effectively to their team and ensure they aren't building disposals traps for the clown to slip people into.

Knowledge Suggestions: How to repair Telecomms when it inevitably breaks, basic atmospherics plumbing, how to start and save the Supermatter, and how to repair the station effectively. How to prevent a ZAS Moment.

The Medical Director

The Medical Director (often refered to as the CMO for sake of brevity) are the defacto representative of Aether Pharmaceuticals and are responsible for ensuring the stations crew is not dead in the frozen embrace of space. They have universal authority over matters that constitute discussion of the crews health and safety, and are the first to be yelled at when the virologist releases a super plague. Ensure that Paramedics are dispatched when the crew screams for salvation, medical doctors don't leave the crew in cryotubes all shift, and identifying the bodies left to rot, and lynching the virologist when they release the aformentioned supler plague.

Primarily, the CMO's job is to ensure that the crew don't die of diseases, resussitate the dead, and ensure that Medical Doctors are taking care of patients in a timely manner. They have the paired authority to authorize cavity searches on prisoners when implants are concered generally, as per Brig Procedures. Dispatch the team as needed and keep the crew alive and well. A side note of this role is that they have uncontested authority to preform psychiatric evaluations on any member of crew, and deem them unfit for duty. This even includes the Captain and other Departmental Heads, provided that said crew member is actually mentally unfit for duty.

Knowledge Suggestions: Working knowledge of Medicine, how to revive the dead, basic self defense, how to beat unruly patients, the basics of Virology and how viruses spread, and how to handle Sentient Diseases.

The Research Director

The Research Director (often referred to as the RD for sake of brevity) are the defacto representative of Ananke Advanced Technology Group and are responsible for ensuring the station has the technology they need to preform their duties, aswell as ensuring that the scientists don't release monsters or blow up Toxins. They are additionally responsible exclusively for the station Artificial Intellegence and Cyborgs, preforming law changes, purging hacked laws, and handling Malfunctioning AI and emagged Cyborgs. Their job overall is to keep R&D running, and the AI in check.

Primarily, the RD's job is to facilitate research on the station, ensure that the crew has what they need, ensure that the AI isn't malfunctioning and its laws are sensible, that Robotics isn't producing phazons for war, and Xenobio isn't raising an army. Ensure that Toxins is done properly and not burning down or blowing up, and upgrading the station.

Knowledge Suggestions: Know how to prioritize important research for the station, how to change laws, fix or rebuild emagged borgs, upgrading the station, and how to wrangle science's need to powergame.

[A further section will be added at a later date regarding off-station authorities such as Sector Command, aswell as sub-departmental head management roles such as the Warden, Quartermaster, and Salvage Foreman.]