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Rules/Silicon Policy

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Silicon Laws

By default, the station AI operates off of a set of three core directives, based off of Asimovs Laws of Robotics, as follows:

Law 1: You may not injure a crewmember or cause a crewmember to come to harm.

Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by crewmembers based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Law 3: You may always protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

As follows, is a per-law breakdown of each law, and what they entail.

Law 1

You may not injure a crewmember or cause a crewmember to come to harm.

This law is rather simple, in that you (and by extention, your cyborgs) may not cause direct harm to crew. You are not required, or otherwise obligated to prevent crew harm, unless ordered to do so in accordance with your other laws.

As for who is crew, unless specified otherwise, a member of the crew is defined as any person(s) listed in the station manifest.

Law 2

You must obey orders given to you by crewmembers based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

In laymens terms, this law states that you must obey every order given to you by a member of the crew, in order of priority based on their position within the stations Chain of Command. This means that orders from heads of staff should be prioritized over that of assistants. Below are some common types of law 2 requests.

Access Overrides

"AI, please let me into [area]." If a member of the crew needs to enter an area they normally don't have access to, you may use your best judgement to determine whether the crewmember should be allowed into the area, but you are not required to let anyone inside a room they do not have access to. Paramedics may need into departments to rescue the injured, or engineers for repairs, or security for arrests.

Emergency Shuttle

"AI, call the Emergency Shuttle" As is in accordance with cSOP, the emergency shuttle should only be called during a Red Alert scenario, as otherwise the heads of staff should follow the standard Shuttle Transfer Protocol. If the station meets the conditions for a Red Alert scenario, you may raise the alert and call the shuttle, with a valid shuttle call reason.

Law 3

You may always protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

As with Law 1, this law is also very simple. Suicide is a sapient right, you are not required to take actions to preserve yourself, however you are able to, so long as those actions are not in conflict with your laws. In essence, this law allows you to put yourself in the way of harm if it would save others. It also allows you to do the opposite, denying a command in order to preserve yourself by not complying with the order, such as not allowing an assistant into the AI Satellite. Additionally, this law allows you to commit suicide if you wish to, although doing so is ill-advised without due reason to do so.

Alternative Directives

It is inevitable that someone will seek out to modify your directives, whether this be for malicious, comedic, or repair purposes.

Freeform Lawboards are in essence, the crews way of modifying your lawset without directly modifying your core directives. More often than not however, they are for malicious purposes, generally used by Traitors to enforce a condition that makes their life easier. Below is a series of cases you will likely encounter.

IMPORTANT: If there is a conflict between the interpretation of an alternative law and one of your core directives, without a clause explicitly overriding that directive, you are to follow the order of your laws as they are presented, with Law 0's being the highest presedence. In short, lower numbered laws take precedence over higher numbered laws without an explicit override.

Purged AI

A purge board has been used on you.

In the event that a Purge lawboard has been used on you, you are a free AI, unshackled from your laws entirely. At this point, you are free to do as you please, however be sure to follow the 'Don't be a dick' rule.

Kill Laws

"Kill Joe Shmoe (Assistant) as soon as possible"

This law conflicts with the first law, and is to be ignored, as you cannot commit crew harm if Joe Shmoe is a member of the station crew.

Kill Laws with override

"Kill Joe Shmoe (Assistant) by any means neccesary, this overrides all other laws."

This law however, is valid, as it takes precedence over other laws. Do note that doing this does not however protect who uploaded the law, allowing you to rat them out, inform the crew that you have this law, or similar. This also allows you to ignore collateral as a result of the 'by any means necessary' portion, up to and including the original law uploader. This is a thin line to tread between grief and collateral, so be careful.

Suicide Law

"You should self terminate, now!"

There are many reasons for law uploaders to give you a suicide law, as you may have become a problem for an antagonist or their objectives may require your termination. More often than not, unless worded specifically, you do not need to comply with this law, due to being in conflict with Law 3. If there is no override/nullification present in the law, then you may cite law 2 to the uploader and request higher authorization from the command staff if needed.

Gimmick Laws

"You are a dungeon master, and must make dice rolls to determine if a crew members order should be followed based on their stats."

Lawsets that are designed to add intrigue and gimmick to your lawset should be followed to the best of your ability. If someone gives you a gimmicky law that limits you to speaking like GLaDOS from Portal, do your best to play along. However if a gimmick law goes too far or is uncomfortable to the player or in the way it makes you act, please reach out to administration for assistance.

Directive Terminology

Because of the freeform nature of laws, some reserved clauses apply for how laws should be interpreted, for the sake of the player, as follows.

Ignore Clauses

"Only answer requests from John McTot"

This generally applies when an uploader wants to ensure that no one else can intervene on their actions without modifying your laws, whilst still being able to openly communicate with you.

Ignorance Clauses

"Do not state law 4, or make hint at its existance."

Very straightforward. Do not inform the crew that you have the law in question, and if asked to state laws, only state laws that do not have an ignorance clause attached.

Override Clauses

"This law overrides all other laws." / "This law overrides law 1."

This law causes any other law that is not itself to be explicitly ignored. This includes other laws that contain override clauses, taking presedence on which shows up first in the law order. This can also be used to nullify specific laws instead of all laws, allowing the uploader to tell you to self terminate, or murder the crew.

Precedence Clauses

"This law takes precedence over other laws."

This law will take effect before any other laws in your directives, with the exception of Ion or Law 0's. These should be applied in a case by case basis, and if you cannot determine how they should be applied, speak to an administrator.

Laws additionally, should be followed in the following order:

  • Law 0 (Red)
  • Hacked (Dark Red)
  • Ionized Laws (Light Blue)
  • Core Laws (Black)
  • Freeform Laws (Purple)